Potable Water

Your potable water system will benefit from cleaning and restoration to its maximum flow capacity if;

  • It's becoming more difficult to maintain desirable residuals in the system
  • Valid consumer complaints about water quality and quantity are a concern
  • Hydrant fire flows are approaching or have passed minimal capacities for safe fire protection
  • The system is being extended or connected to other systems
  • Pumping costs, particularly energy usage, and maintenance costs are escalating
  • It was installed under difficult circumstances and not cleaned before going into service
  • Maintenance staff suffers from the "repetitive system flushing syndrome"
  • Laminar flow and Hazen-Williams "C" Factors have disappeared into the, "it's almost too low to be measured", abyss
  • Boil orders and health and regulatory agencies monitoring are nothing new to this system
  • Changes in water treatment and/or system flow patterns are planned
  • Periodic flushing is done with the certain knowledge that extensive dirty water complaints will result
  • New water supply or storage sources are planned to be introduced into the system
  • Funding is not currently available to replace the system but some economically sensible alternative is needed now
  • As built drawings, (or as we know them, as imagined drawings), need to be updated or have their supposed information confirmed
  • Compliance with regulatory agencies concerns about water quality is now more important then ever
  • Recognition that the introduction of inline system quality controls, i.e., sequestrates, pacification agents, etc., are the most cost effective and efficient when applied to clean conduits
  • Modifications to the water quality, raising the PH for example and plating the pipes interior, has temporarily subdued some of the internal water quality problems but has not solved the primary problem
  • Replacing the pipe means discarding serviceable piping whose only sin is that it is dirty
  • "Old" sections of the system are to be connected to new sections
  • Repairs, taps and visual inspection confirms that the system is "dirty"
Certified Underground Utility Contractor
License Number CU-C057357