Raw Water/Well Collection Systems

These piping systems are at the mercy of and subject to the physical and chemical properties of the fluids they collect and transport to the treatment facility. Their working condition also reflects any changes over time that may occur in the water supply source.

Your raw water/well collection system will benefit from cleaning and restoration to its maximum flow capacity if;

  • Pump discharge head pressures are gradually, but steadily increasing
  • Correspondingly, the volume of flow, (GPM), carried by the system is gradually, but steadily decreasing
  • The water entering the plant is causing strainers to plug up, settling ponds to fill up and upping the number of times to blow off tanks
  • Water treatment costs are escalating
  • New raw water supply sources are planned to come on line
  • Additional piping is being added to the system
  • Necessary periodic intake and well screening cleanings indicate what is likely to be found in the system
  • Laminar flow characteristics and Hazen-Williams "C" Factors have disappeared into the, "it's almost too low to be measured", abyss
  • It was installed under difficult circumstances and not cleaned before it was placed into service
  • Maintenance staff knows every blow off and drain connection in the system on an arm weary first name basis
  • Operating and maintenance costs, particularly energy usage, are escalating
  • Pretreatment at the water supply site isn't performing to the standards required
  • Replacing the pipe means discarding serviceable piping whose only sin is that it is dirty
  • Repairs, taps and visual inspection confirms that the system is "dirty"
Certified Underground Utility Contractor
License Number CU-C057357